Chiropractic rebalances your nervous system so your body can do what is supposed to do...
Communicate and Heal. Naturally. Subluxations (neuro-spinal stuck stress) happen when our bodies are under chronic stress which can happen before conception, during pregnancy, after birth traumas, and early childhood stress from physical, chemical and emotional stressors. The problem is these subluxations, interfere with the nervous systems ability to allow the brain and body to communicate properly. The stuck area stops normal nerve communication and creates stress in the nervous system. This stress gets stuck on. This effects your ability to adapt to your environment, know where your body is in space, engage in social interactions, evaluate safety, have normal organ system function, & move properly through its environment. We address and correct subluxations and get your body re-connected with specific, measured adjustments over a specific amount of time to work with the neurology. We work that way because your nervous system works that way. The nervous system thrives on movement and repetition. Planned, and focused chiropractic adjustments are critical to making a lasting positive impact on the nervous system your child's' overall health. If you feel that your child has chronic health issues, anxiety, colic, chronic ear infections, reflux, asthma, behavioral issues, sensory processing disorder, ADD, ADHD, SPD, PANS, PANDAS, chronic respiratory, poor posture, gross motor delays, chronically fatigued, or has been under chronic stress, it would be good to check for neuro-spinal dysfunction. Stress in pre-conception and pregnancy are where these subluxations start. If you're planning your family, or are expecting, get checked for subluxations to allow for a more comfortable pregnancy, optimize your body for labor and delivery and give your child the best possible neurological environment throughout pregnancy. |
How do we evaluate your nervous system function?
We measure it. Modern stressors and issues require modern evaluation techniques. Heart Rate Variability, Thermography and surface Electromyography gives us a view of different aspects of your nervous system function. It's a different world our families are growing up in so we are stepping up with our care and evaluation of what your child, what your family needs for chiropractic care. When we palpate, we feel misalignments in the spine. Not all misalignments are chiropractic subluxations. This technology measures and locates chiropractic subluxations. My job is to be specific, accurate and effective in my evaluation of your neuro-spinal system. |
When you reach out to the office, we get you set up with an initial video consult. Your time is valuable, and we're not going to waste it.
If an in office visit is the next step for you or your child, then we do our initial exam which includes the Insight CLA scan technology to locate and measure stuck areas in your nervous system. We have toys and books in the office for kids, but if there's a special toy they would be more comfortable having with them, bring it! After the scan, we do a physical exam the same day. All this information is put together to develop a care plan tailored for your child or you based on what your nervous system needs. We will cover everything at your Report of Findings appointment. |
Chiropractic decreases tension
Improves motor coordination!Parents and student athletes:
Proper movement in the neuro-spinal system allows for proper communication to the larger muscles we use while exercising. Chiropractic can help prevent injuries when we get out and move! |